Stories Of The Paranormal, The Unexplained, And All Things Incredible

January 26, 2010

Send Us Your Incredible Story!

If you've ever had a brush with the paranormal or the unexplained, we want to hear about it. Now you can send us your stories of amazing occurrences and unusual events via our website.

We will eagerly read every mystery you send to us. Some of the good ones we will post here on this blog, crediting your name to the story. The very best ones we will save for future book projects.

Every astounding story in Almanac of The Infamous, The Incredible, and The Ignored happened to real people living ordinary lives. Mysteries, enigmas, and the unexplained are all around us. Tell us what's happened to you, and we will help to tell it to the world.

Like unsolved mysteries and unexplained phenomena? Then you'll love Almanac of The Infamous, The Incredible, And The Ignored, 365 days of amazing real-life occurrences and paranormal activities written by Juanita Rose Violini and published by Weiser Books. It's a must-read for every mystery lover. Check it out at today. A magical daily read!

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January 19, 2010

Dalby Spook Haunting Revisited - Gef Returns

Gef the talking mongoose. It sounds like a child's TV show, but in fact it was a not-very-nice poltergeist that haunted the Irving family on the Isle of Man in the 1930's. Gef is a fixture in English paranormal lore, and is now experiencing a resurgence in popularity thanks to the efforts of Christopher Josiffe, a cataloguer at London University's Senate Library, who is reopening the investigation.

Gef was mostly seen by the family's daughter, Voirrey, who discovered that this strange, yellowish creature could talk and sing. She taught him more English, introduced him to the family, and Gef was a frequent visitor to the house.

As news of the poltergeist spread, Gef was investigated by Harry Price, one of England's most celebrated and dedicated magical investigators. Gef never appeared for Price, however. He took pawprint casts and bite-mark impressions and had them analyzed by experts, but they were never associated with any known animal.

Did Voirrey and the rest of the Irvings do this for fame and fortune? There is no evidence that they ever charged for admission to their house, called Doarlish Cashen, and the constant stream of gawkers and tourists was a tremendous bother to them. No, it seems like their report of the haunting was simply factual.

Gef disappeared when the Irvings left in 1935. His legend lives on, however, backed by the testimony of Price and the assertions of Voirrey Irving, to her dying day, that Gef was real.

Now Christopher Josiffe is re-examining Price's documentation and asking for information from Isle of Man residents in an effort to further probe the mystery of Gef. What will he find, more than 70 years after the fact? Mongooses are notoriously slippery creatures, but he may yet grasp more tantalising details to add to the Dalby Spook mystery.

Like unsolved mysteries and unexplained phenomena? Then you'll love Almanac of The Infamous, The Incredible, And The Ignored, 365 days of amazing real-life occurrences and paranormal activities written by Juanita Rose Violini and published by Weiser Books. It's a must-read for every mystery lover. Check it out at today. A magical daily read!

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January 10, 2010

Searching for Humour

"Hello, is this the RCMP?"
"Yes. How can we help you?"
"I'm calling to report my neighbour, Marilyn Sullivan. She's hiding marijuana inside her firewood."
"Thank you very much for the call, sir."

The next day, the RCMP officers descended on Marilyn's house. They searched the shed where the firewood was kept. Using axes, they busted open every peice of wood, but found no marijuana. They apologized to Marilyn, she swore at them, and they left.

The next day, the phone rang at Marilyn's house.

"Hey, Marilyn. Did the RCMP come to your house?"
"Did they chop your firewood?"
"Happy Birthday, darlin'."

Like unsolved mysteries and unexplained phenomena? Then you'll love Almanac of The Infamous, The Incredible, And The Ignored, 365 days of amazing real-life occurrences and paranormal activities written by Juanita Rose Violini and published by Weiser Books. It's a must-read for every mystery lover. Check it out at today. A magical daily read!

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January 4, 2010

UFO Reporting Turns Official

UFO sightings now have an official place to be logged and recorded, thanks to Phillipe Ailleris and the International Year of Astronomy. Now relabelled Unidentified Aerospace Phenomena (UAP), strange night-time lights and objects can now be recorded, in as much detail as possible, at Ailleris' new website,

UAP are usually seen at night, when both professional and amateur astronomers have myriad lenses pointed at the sky. They are the most likely people to spot strange lights in the sky, and - more importantly - the most likely to know how to accurately report what they have seen. seeks to catalog these sightings and add to the body of knowledge about UFO's, UAP's, and false alarms. The site has a comprehensive questionnaire to complete asking for specific details. It also has a section on common mistaken sightings, such as ball lightning and satellites.

We are all in favour of more detailed, critical analysis and insight into the UFO phenomenon. In our way of thinking, the more we can level a critical eye at the unexplained, the more we will find truly unusual events which will slip through our analysis like watermelon seeds.

The more we look, the more wonder we will find. Go, Phillipe! And keep us all informed of what you, and thousands of informed eyes, discover about our strange sky.

Like unsolved mysteries and unexplained phenomena? Then you'll love Almanac of The Infamous, The Incredible, And The Ignored, 365 days of amazing real-life occurrences and paranormal activities written by Juanita Rose Violini and published by Weiser Books. It's a must-read for every mystery lover. Check it out at today. A magical daily read!

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