Stories Of The Paranormal, The Unexplained, And All Things Incredible

October 30, 2009

Whitley Strieber Hosts The Almanac on Dreamland Radio!

Whitley Strieber - writer of the 1987 classic Communion, alien novels such as The Grays, and novels-become-movies like The Day After Tomorrow, has read Almanac of The Infamous, The Incredible, and The Ignored - and couldn't put it down! Now he is hosting Juanita on his popular radio show Dreamland this Saturday.

Whitley is a big fan of The Almanac. Of course - he is a phenomenon himself, an outspoken leader in the field of paranormal research and dissemination. Whitley Strieber and his wife, Anne, cover the range of unusual investigations on their Dreamland radio show, and on their website, Unknown Country. The Almanac's factual but fascinating portrayal of hundreds of actual mind-boggling events, just as they happened, captivates any true lover of mystery.

Listen in to Juanita and Whitley, hear some excerpts from The Almanac, and catch some interesting stories behind the making of this new compendium of the unexplained. You can find it Saturday Afternoon, 1 pm Pacific time, or catch it on podcast for 2 weeks afterward.

Like unsolved mysteries and unexplained phenomena? Then you'll love Almanac of The Infamous, The Incredible, And The Ignored, 365 days of amazing real-life occurrences and paranormal activities written by Juanita Rose Violini and published by Weiser Books. It's a must-read for every mystery lover. Check it out at today. A magical daily read!

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October 27, 2009

Ice Falls from Sky

Wow! Look what I found! This is amazing ...

If I knew how to add just the video I would do it but this is definitely worth a trip to the site - just scroll down to the video and prepare to have your paradigm shifted.

Stuff like this makes blogging easy. Heads up!

Like unsolved mysteries and unexplained phenomena? Then you'll love Almanac of The Infamous, The Incredible, And The Ignored, 365 days of amazing real-life occurrences and paranormal activities written by Juanita Rose Violini and published by Weiser Books. It's a must-read for every mystery lover. Check it out at today. A magical daily read!

October 21, 2009

The Drive To Explain

Today the CBC website carried a photo essay of famous publicity stunts. They covered both times Oprah got hoodwinked by writers, the lady who lied about a winning lottery ticket, and the Boston Marathon runner who took a shortcut.

They also decided to mention crop circles and the granddaddy alien story of them all, the Roswell autopsies. In these stories, of course, the CBC writers sailed into famously dangerous and murky waters.

The crop circle phenomenon is an enduring mystery, and rightly so. On the surface, it seems eminently explainable, and Doug Bower and Dave Chorley decided to do just that, telling the world that they had created some of the world's most amazing crop circles with little more than a length of wood and some string. What they didn't explain, and what the world media seems never to have asked, is how two bar buddies could have created mathematical marvels that would stretch the capabilities of a team of engineers and surveyors, in only a few minutes, often under the eyes of people who saw nothing special happening.

The televised Roswell alien autopsy, supposedly put together from footage of the actual event in 1947, is also mentioned as a publicity stunt. It may have been; the Roswell incident has spawned more imitators and takeoffs than Elvis. The real event, however, remains far too inexplicable for reason to rest easy. And I couldn't help noticing that this was the one story they didn't actually come out and call a hoax.

Mysteries are, by their nature, uncomfortable for our reasoning brains. Therein lies their allure; that is why we will reach for any explanation, sometimes in blatant blindness of the outstanding evidence.

There are many of us, however, who are content to let mystery be. This world would be a greyer place if we could explain all of it. Having some unsolveable mysteries reassures me that we will never quite be as big as the world in which we live.

Like unsolved mysteries and unexplained phenomena? Then you'll love Almanac of The Infamous, The Incredible, And The Ignored, 365 days of amazing real-life occurrences and paranormal activities written by Juanita Rose Violini and published by Weiser Books. It's a must-read for every mystery lover. Check it out at today. A magical daily read!

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October 16, 2009

Almanac On The Radio

Tune in to Cult Radio A GoGo this Saturday, October 17, at 6pm Pacific time. Hear Juanita bring the Almanac to the wildest counterculture scene on the Internet! It's bound to be an interesting listen.

Check it out at the link, halfway down the page.

October 15, 2009

New Photos on Almanac Facebook Page

Book signings are a wonderful place to catch Juanita in action, talking about mysteries and meeting her fans. I've put a few photos of these events up on the Almanac Facebook page, go have a look.

If you haven't seen our Facebook presence yet, you really should. This is where we put much of our announcements, discussions, and even a few extra mysteries. Check it out at:


October 7, 2009

Pet Psychic

At our gathering the other night a friend of mine told me of an experience she had recently had. This lovely woman was moved to contact a pet psychic and during their conversation she asked about the welfare of a dog that use to be hers. The psychic wasn't willing to speak to much about the animal but did say she was picking up on great sadness and suggested my friend might want to contact the person who now had the dog.

So she did.

Unfortunately the new owner had to go travelling and had had the phone company disconnect the phone.

Fortunately, somehow, my friend's call made it through to the new owner anyways and my friend is now reunited with her previous pet. They are both very happy.


October 6, 2009

Our House

We enjoyed a fabulous evening with friends this past weekend. They were all very enthusiastic about the book which made us feel on top of the world. I love this little town we live in. Bears, cougars and some of the best people in the world.

Tomorrow will be my first Author Reading. It takes place at Bacchus Books in Golden, BC. Pretty excited about that.


October 4, 2009

Amazon Action Today

Go to now. Today. Look at the Almanac page there, and Amazon will notice your attention. If enough of us do this, Amazon will give the Almanac an increased presence on their site, effectively boosting its marketing.

So go have a look, now. Tell all your friends to do it too. Today. Spread the word. Thank you.

October 2, 2009

Comfort Zone

I am definitely feeling stretched! The book - it works!

Sort of a silly thing for the author to say but I've been taking myself at my word and the old 'comfort zone' is nowhere to be seen. One of the things the Almanac talks about, in the metaphysical portion, is that being constantly comfortable is going nowhere. We have to push ourselves - at this time I think this is the only thing that works.

Life as an experiment as well as an experience - and I am experimenting and experiencings as never before. Radio interviews are my equivalent of 'going boldly' where I have never gone before. Pretty wild stuff. I feel like a wallflower whose wall has been removed.

Would love to hear of others experiences in leaving their comfort zones.

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